How to Mine Firo

A guide to mining the privacy-centric digital currency.

JCTheMiner JCTheMiner

Firo is an undervalued innovator in blockchain privacy technologies such as Sigma and Lelantus. Securing its network of transactions requires miners to perform work and in exchange, miners are rewarded with new Firo. This is a guide and interactive tool to help you get started as a miner.

Table of Contents


You will need to have a wallet address so that you can receive your earnings from the pool.

You can generate an address in your Firo wallet. If you don't have a wallet yet, you can download one from the official Firo website.

The wallet does not need to be online or even on the same computer as your mining software in order to receive payments.


Mining is performed using PC computers. Firo uses the FiroPOW mining algorithm which works primarily on graphics cards.


FiroPOW currently cannot be mined with graphics cards that have less than 6GB of memory.


You will need to download Firo compatible mining software. Choose which software you would like to download after first selecting your hardware and operating system. Go to the publisher's page to download or use one of the direct downloads if available.

Sometimes there may be more than one download for additional compatibility parameters such as video driver version.

Place the downloaded executables into a new folder in a convenient location. Software that downloads in "zip" files will need to be extracted.

Hardware {{hardware}}
  • {{h}}
Operating System {{os}}
  • {{o}}
Software {{softwareName}}
  • {{}}
  • Software: {{}} {{software.version}} {{software.description ? ' - ' : ''}} {{software.description}}
  • Source: OpenClosed
  • Fees: {{software.fees || 'None'}}
  • Publishers Page

Direct Downloads


Since mining software is often included in malware, it is likely that some mining software you download will be flagged and/or removed by your antivirus. You may need to create exceptions.

Additional Information

Be sure to read any text/readme files included with your download for additional information not included in this guide. There could also be additional notices and information on the publisher's website.

Start Script

A start script will help you run the miner with the correct arguments without having to type them in each time.

The tool below will help you create a start script that will connect you to the Firo pool using the software you selected above.

  • Wallet - Be sure to replace the example wallet address with your own.
  • Worker - Optional. Name your rig so it can be identified in the dashboard separate from your other named rigs.
  • Password - Set the password used to change your minimum payout and schedule from the dashboard.
  • Stratum - The geographical stratum to connect to. "Auto" is fine in most cases.
  • Port - Choose a port based on the speed of your mining rig. A 4+ card worker will generally be considered fast.
Stratum {{stratumName}}
  • {{}}
Port {{portNum}}
  • {{p.descr}}
Algorithm {{minerAlgoName}}
  • {{a.descr}}
Auto Restart on Crash
REM {{$$coin.displayName}}
REM {{softwareName}}
REM {{hardware}}
REM Dashboard at!/{{$$}}:{{wallet}}
    TIMEOUT 10
GOTO startREM {{$$coin.displayName}}
REM {{softwareName}}
REM {{hardware}}
REM Dashboard at!/{{$$}}:{{wallet}}
#Dashboard at!/{{$$}}:{{wallet}}
while :
    sleep 10s
#Dashboard at!/{{$$}}:{{wallet}}
Copy Download

After you've filled out the form above you can then copy and paste the script into a new text file named "{{scriptName}}" or download it as a file. Make sure to place the script in the same folder as the mining program you downloaded and ensure the file extension for Windows scripts is ".bat" (".txt" will not work)

Once you have the script set up you can run it like a program to start the miner.

Additional Resources

